Reveiw Getbybus

Review June 2016

In month June 2016 the following 3 carriers were rated the best performing, in total more than 1000 new passenger reviews was provided by customers.

As Mai, the top scorer in terms of reviews was again the company Brioni from Pula, the average rating was 8.8 out of 10 which was slightly less then what Brioni scored in May. As you can see here below, even bus training inspectors from Ireland approve the service of Brioni Pula. You can read all reviews from the company here


The second highest rating was achieved by two companies one being Panturist from Osijek the other being Prijevoz Knezevic from Plitvice. both companies achieved an average review rating of 8.49 out of 10.


You can see one of the review left by a Panturist passenger travelling from Pula to Ljubljana below, other reviews of the bus service of Panturist you can find here.


As mentioned Prijevoz Knezevic also had a really good review score, below you can read the review of a happy customer travelling from Zadar to Plitvice lakes, more review for the bus service of Prijevoz Knezevic you can read here

The following four bus companies Particula, Samoborcek, Prijevoz Francuzević and Blue line from Montenegro also achieved an average rating above 8 which is very good.  The average rating from the more than 1000 new reviews in June was 7.28 out of 10, you can see reviews rating for all GetByBus bus partners here