Best Museums in the World

Travelling is one of the best ways to meet another culture and learn about social past, present and future. That is why society has made sure to formally preserve all that is valuable and defining for our civilization – by building museums. Visiting a museum is much more than observing the displayed content. What’s more, museums teach, inspire and provoke.  

From art and history to science and technology, anyone can find a museum of their interest. Therefore, the simple question arises – which museums are worth visiting? That is why we decided to put together a list of the best museums in the world to make it easier for travellers to pick.

How did we do it?

It is hard to say which museum is “the best”, but it seems fair to ask the people who actually visited the museums. Among different approaches to making the list of best museums in the world, we decided to find the most visited museums in every country and collect their Google reviews and ratings of real visitors. Our goal was to list the museums according to the rating they had at the moment.

Data was collected within a week, so the list includes the most visited museums with more than 10,000 reviews. In case two (or more) museums have the same rating, we considered the number of reviews the museums had at the moment. Therefore, the museum with a higher number of reviews is ranked higher.

50 Best Museums in the World

Among thousands of museums in the world and then hundreds of most visited museums per country, travellers picked the following 50 as the best museums in the world.

50. National Museum of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Rating: 4.7

The first on our list of the best museums in the world is the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes in Buenos Aires. This prominent museum hosts a collection of worldwide-known artists. These include Goya, Rodin, Van Gogh, Manet, and others. The entrance to the museum is free on Sundays.

Visitors love and praise the fixed collection. Many were impressed with the collection of William Turner, Rodin, and Joan Miro

“Beautiful place to spend an afternoon seeing classical artworks. They offer interactive guided tours for children, which I cannot remember to have seen in any other museums. So cool.”

49. Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada

Rating: 4.7

The museum of art, world culture, and nature is the largest museum in Canada and one of the largest ones in North America. Also known as ROM, it is one of the most visited museums in Canada with over a million visitors per year. The value of this museum lies in a collection of 13 million artworks, objects and specimen exhibited in 40 rooms.

The dinosaur collection steals most of the attention. Also, the visitors like the exhibitions of spiders and blue whales. Besides that, visitors love the Viking collection and exhibition of mummies.

“ Always awesome. New exhibits are fantastic. Dinosaurs and fossils never get old. Something everyone will find interesting.”

48. Royal Castle, Warsaw, Poland

Rating: 4.7

The impressive royal residence in Warsaw served as home to Polish monarchs throughout the centuries. Today, it is ranked on our list of best museums in the world. With such historical importance, it became an educational centre and home to valuable European art collections. Moreover, the Castle is on the list of the UNESCO sites and today is visited by more than 500 000 people a year. 

Visitors mostly notice and praise the reconstruction of the building after WWII. Also, they opt for audio-guided tours and recommend visiting on Wednesday when the entrance is – free!

“Tour is nice and fairly cheap. You can go either by yourself or with tour guide. Videos on mini-tablet are pretty informative and straight to the point.”

47. Gold Museum, Bogota, Colombia

Rating: 4.7

The Gold Museum is one of the most attractive places in Bogota. The reason is more than 55 000 pieces of gold (and other materials) dating to the period of pre-Hispanic cultures. This extraordinary gold collection is the biggest in the world and an incredible way to learn how Colombia looked before The Age of Discovery.

Of course, visitors are impressed with the exhibition presenting the pre-Colombian era, their ancestors, and indigenous people. The reviews indicate that people learn a lot in this museum

“Such an amazing experience!! The artifacts are well organized and tell the story of pre-hispanic Colombia, its shamans and its leaders. A world-class museum, really.”

46. White Tower, Thessaloniki, Greece

Rating: 4.7

The White Tower of Thessaloniki is both a monument and a museum, as well as a city symbol. Once a notorious prison, the tower is open to the public today for only about 3 euros. The tower exhibits collections from Byzantine times with a lot of multimedia content. 

Visitors confirm the museum is a good lesson in Greek history. Also, they recommend an audio-guided tour. Besides the exhibition, they love the view of the sea from the top. 

“Great exhibition inside, about the history of the city, audio guide needed, no English texts. The visit and the audio guide is free of charge for EU students under 25. Beautiful view.”

Best Museums in the World : White Tower of Thessaloniki

White Tower of Thessaloniki

45. National Air and Space Museum, Washington DC, USA

Rating: 4.7

The Air and Space Museum of the Smithsonian Institution is a mind-blowing home to an incredible collection of aeronautical and spaceflight artifacts. It is among the top-visited museums in the world and the second most visited in the USA. Namely, the museum receives from 4 to 6 million visitors each year. 

Visitors highly recommend the IMAX theatre and the Wright Brothers hall. Also, most of them are blown away with the aviation history, rockets, space shuttles, and the real Moon rock!

“Fantastic museum, some real world-class iconic stuff in here! Only had time to pick one Smithsonian museum whilst in DC & this was it & I wasn’t disappointed!”

44. Vasa Museum, Stockholm, Sweden

Rating: 4.7

The Vasa is the 17th-century ship salvaged, and today displayed in a museum of the same name. Apparently, the Vasa Museum is one of the most visited museums in Scandinavia receiving up to 1.5 million visitors a year. Besides the Vasa ship, there are various other exhibits. As a result, it ranked on our list of best museums in the world.

Expectedly, the Vasa ship is the center of visitors’ attention. Therefore, most reviews praise this unique treasure.

“One of the must see places in Stockholm. Real gunship. Videos about how it was build and wrecked. How much work has been done to preserve it’s just astonishing.”

Best Museums in the World : Vasa ship

Vasa ship

43. National Gallery, London, UK

Rating: 4.7

One of the most popular galleries in Europe attracts more than 6 million people each year. One of the reasons is the free entrance most of the year. The National Gallery is home to a collection of more than 2300 paintings dating from the 13th to the 20th century. It includes masterpieces of Leonardo da Vinci, Boticelli, Vermeer, and many more.

Apparently, visitors are mostly interested in Da Vinci’s collection, followed by collections of Boticelli and Velazquez. Also, many are impressed with the painting Sunflowers by Van Gogh.

“A truly magnificent museum with a well-earned reputation. Impressive collections that can need multiple trips to see and absorb everything.”

42. Acropolis Museum, Athens, Greece

Rating: 4.7

The mighty Acropolis in Athens is an open-air museum everyone should visit in their lifetime. But to truly learn about this place, one must step into the Acropolis Museum. This museum hosts more than 4000 remains of this magnificent archaeological site. No wonder it is visited by more than 1.5 million people each year.

Besides being impressed by the excavations in the museum, visitors often praise Parthenon. Of course, they see the museum as a great place to learn about Greek culture and history. 

“This beautiful museum gives a detailed look into what formed western civilization and culture.”

Best Museums in the World : Acropolis Museum

Acropolis Museum

41. Victoria And Albert Museum, London, UK

Rating: 4.7

V&A, for short, is the largest museum of applied arts, design, decorative arts, and housing in the world. Namely, it hosts a permanent collection of more than 2 million objects! The collection displays 5000 years of art and the museum is visited by almost 4 million people per year. Therefore, deservedly ranked on our list of best museums in the world.

Visitors love the exhibitions of Frida Khalo, Pink Floyd, Winnie the Pooh, David Bowie, and more. They also often praise the courtyard where visitors can take a break for a snack. 

“Excellent place to visit. You will need best part of a whole day or at the very least 4 hours. Second floor contains an amazing collection of jewellery and gems.”

40. Mevlana Museum, Konya, Turkey

Rating: 4.7

Although the city of Konya is nowhere near as visited as the magnificent Istanbul, it is home to an exceptional museum. Namely, Mevlana Museum is a mausoleum of the world’s popular poet Rumi. Besides the timeless poetry, Rumi was a Sufi mystic, so the museum displays a lot of Islamic artifacts such as dervish cells, a praying carpet, and more.

Visitors find this place very spiritual and love the Sufi exhibition. The museum mostly attracts members of the Islamic religion. 

“A gem. The mausoleum of Rumi is a place of peace and tranquillity. Must visit.”

39. Archaeological Park of Pompeii, Pompeii, Italy

Rating: 4.7

The archaeological site of Pompeii is known for the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius that petrified the city. Although this tragedy happened in 79 A.D., this incredible open-air museum attracts more than 2.5 million visitors today. The city under the ash is protected by UNESCO and presents a Roman life frozen in time.

Visitors highly recommend wearing comfortable shoes for walking around. Also, many write about train connections to different Italian cities. Some suggest a guide, others think it’s unnecessary. 

“One of the most incredible places I’ve ever visited. Highly recommended to go with a tour guide or you’ll miss all the beautiful stories Pompei has to tell.”

Best Museums in the World: Pompeii


38. Museum Angkut, Batu, Indonesia

Rating: 4.7

The Transportation Museum in Batu is one of few Asian museums on our list of best museums in the world. Museum Angkut comprises over 300 collections of types of transportation. It displays the evolution of transportation from traditional to modern ones. The museum is relatively new and visited by more than 200 000 people each year.

Visitors notice the museum is designed for taking a lot of photos, especially selfies. A lot of them praise the food court Pasar Apung.

“A must place to visit in Malang ❤️ Such an amazing experience! It’s like entering new dimension. Really good effort to recreate other countries!! ?”

37. Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Italy

Rating: 4.7

The magnificent Uffizi is one of the most prominent museums in Europe. It displays a priceless collection of works, with emphasis on the Italian Renaissance period. The highlights of the museum include the masterpieces of Botticelli, Caravaggio, Titian, Da Vinci, and Raphael. Each year, the Uffizi is visited by more than 4 million people.

Works of Botticelli, Da Vinci, and Michelangelo attract visitors the most. Besides that, some suggest booking a ticket in advance to skip the long queues. 

“Awe-inspiring! Absolute wall to wall, floor to ceiling renaissance masterpieces. Be ready to queue, but it’s worth the wait.”

Best Museums in the World: Uffizi Gallery

Uffizi Gallery

36. Orsay Museum, Paris, France

Rating: 4.7

Musée d’Orsay is an impressive museum in Paris, on the bank of river Seine. It displays collections of French art with masterpiece French artists such as Monet, Degas, Renoir, Cezanne, and Gauguin. The building was originally a railway station and today is considered one of the largest museums in Europe. It is visited by 1.5 million people in a year.

Visitors love the works of Renoir, Degas, Manet, and others. They also love the clock on the last floor of the building. 

“The ultimate art gallery museum. The building itself is a work of art and the most amazing place to spend time. A real variety of pieces and styles.”

35. National Museum of Castel Sant’Angelo, Vatican

Rating: 4.7

The Castle of the Holy Angel is the original Roman building which is not only in the remains like most other Roman buildings. It was built as a mausoleum for Emperor Hadrian, and later used as a papal fortress. Today, this valuable museum receives more than a million visitors a year.

Visitors love the museum telling stories about the popes, many suggest an app to download the audio guide. They also love the stories about the mausoleum and the view from the top of Castello.   

“A beautiful monument! Lots of images to capture… I think it deserves some of your time to see the view from the upper level which is breathtaking!!!”

Best Museums in the World: Castello di san Angelo

Castello di Sant’Angelo

34. Topkapi Palace Museum, Istanbul, Turkey

Rating: 4.7

The Topkapi Palace is one of the biggest landmarks of Istanbul which in history served Ottoman sultans. Today, the palace itself with its courtyards and a harem is an impressive sight. Inside the museum, you will find collections such as Ottoman clothing, armor, religious relics, and more. The Topkapi Palace is a UNESCO site visited by more than 2 million people annually. Therefore, no surprise it ranked on our list of best museums in the world.

The palace tells stores about the sultans and the prophet Muhammad which visitors love. Some compare it to Hagia Sophia which is located nearby. 

“Amazing place! Very big, hard to visit all the place. Very historical and magical. Giving a strange feeling while walking inside the area.”

33. Prado Museum, Madrid, Spain

Rating: 4.7

Museo Nacional del Prado is a Spanish museum known for its extensive collection of exquisite Spanish art. This includes some of the finest artworks of El Greco, Rubens, Velázquez, and others. The impressive collection counts thousands of displayed works and the museum is considered one of the largest in Spain

Many visitors say it is one of the best art galleries in the world. Also, they mostly get impressed by the arts of Goya, Velazques, El Bosco, and El Greco. Finally. Many point out the Fra Angelico exhibition and warn about the long queues.

“What a massive art collection. Spanish and Flemish painters and masters. French section. Romanticism. Rare pieces. Roman sculpture. Thank you!!”

32. São Paulo Museum of Art, São Paulo, Brazil

Rating: 4.7

The art museum of Sao Paulo is located on Paulista Avenue, therefore visited by almost 500 000 visitors each year. The museum is home to an envious collection of the finest Latin American art. Certainly, the highlight is on the Brazilian art with smaller collections of African, Asian, and other art. 

Many praise the museums’ fixed collection and suggest visiting on Tuesdays when the entrance is free if booked in advance. Others mention the place is great for protests.

“World-class museum right at the heart of the city. MASP offers high quality artistic and cultural content to the general public, further enriching the city’s cultural heritage.”

31. British Museum, London, UK

Rating: 4.7

One of the most rated museums on our list of best museums in the world is dedicated to human history, art and culture. The British Museum is home to an extensive collection of more than 8 million works! The museum is divided into 9 departments and many more rooms. Finally, it is considered the first public museum in the world. Today is visited by millions of visitors who can enter for free. 

The Rosetta Stone steals a lot of attention, as well as mummies. Visitors love learning about the history of humans and civilizations the most.

“Such a treat. Loved my first time at this historic place. The museum in itself is a jewel. I can’t wait to go back. All this beauty for no cost at all…”

30. Wawel Royal Castle, Krakow, Poland

Rating: 4.7

The Wawel Royal Castle is a UNESCO site built with different architectural styles throughout history. Besides the impressive interior and exterior, the building is divided into departments, all of them containing an impressive art collection. The complex is free to enter, so it is no wonder that more than 2 million people visit it every year.

Visitors mainly admire the cathedral, the crypt, and the famous Wawel dragon. Also, they love various things exhibited in the museum such as tapestries and armories.

“Nice castle and interesting history which is kind of hidden behind the walls. Definitely something to visit when coming to Krakow!”

Wawel Castle

Wawel Castle

29. Louvre Museum, Paris, France

Rating: 4.7

The one and only Louvre Museum in Paris is a must-visit attraction. It is also convincingly the most rated museum on our list of best museums in the world. With nearly 3 million visitors each year, Louvre is often listed as one of the best or most visited museums in the world. The magnificent Mona Lisa and the breathtaking Glass Pyramyd are just a drop in the ocean of things that will leave you in awe here. 

Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is the biggest attraction of the museum, as expected. However, some visitors complain about the long queues. 

“Iconic World class museum that doesnt need any introduction at all. Visit it and indulge yourself with the scent of the history in a modern atmosphere that suits everyone.”

The Louvre

28. Lennusadam, Tallinn, Estonia

Rating: 4.8

The only Estonian museum that ranked in the best museums in the world is the maritime museum in Tallinn. It is best known for displaying the submarine Lembit, ordered by Estonia from the UK. The Seaplane Harbour, as translated, is located in an airplane harbour. Also, it is a part of the Estonian Maritime Museum with nearly half a million visitors each year.

The submarine and the ice-breaker are the main attractions of this site. Visitors find the museum very interactive and fun. 

“Extremely well-designed and interesting museum, definitely worth a visit if you’re in the area. Remember to go onboard the submarine!”

27. Botero Museum, Bogota, Colombia

Rating: 4.8

The Botero Museum or Museo Botero is another art museum with a free entrance. It hosts an important art collection of Colombia and Latin America in general. It also includes international art with the artworks of Picasso and Monet. Each year, the museum is visited by around 500 000 people of which most are students. 

No wonder, Picasso’s paintings get most of the attention. Others admire the works of Fernando Botero, Dali, Monet, and others. 

“Never heard of this artist before but now I won’t forget him. Fun, unique works in beautifully designed museum. Enjoy the walkable area around the museum as well.  Very photogenic.”

26. Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, Israel

Rating: 4.8

One of the most important and tragic stories of Jewish history is told in Yad Vashem, Israel’s official memorial to the victims of the Holocaust. This striking place preserves the memory of the dead with an aim of avoiding such an event in the future ever again. By all means, Yad Vashem is an essential lesson in history that needs no further introduction. 

Visitors who come here find the place very informative and emotional. They all consider it an important place to visit.

“If you arrive in Israel and you have only few hours to spend, this is that one site you are not allowed to miss. It’s just too important for any human being.”

Yad Vashem

Yad Vashem

25. National Gallery of Art, Washington DC, USA

Rating: 4.8

The National Gallery of Art is the prominent museum that hosts a collection of artworks presenting Western Art from the Middle Ages to this day. Also, it is a museum that contains a single Da Vinci artwork, the only one in both Americas. The entrance is free and millions visit it each year. Besides the museum, visitors can enjoy the Sculpture Garden.

Visitors are impressed by the collection, mostly by that single artwork of Da Vinci. Others refer to paintings of Van Gogh, Rembrandt, Degas and Cezanne.

“Art lovers delight. Extraordinary works. Make sure you have time to admire the pieces. Cafe and shop available. Sweet treat: Free admission and friendly staff!”

24. State Russian Museum, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Rating: 4.8

Those interested in the world’s largest collection of Russian art shouldn’t miss the State Russian Museum in Sankt Petersburg. The museum is also considered one of the largest ones in the world, spreading over 30 ha. More than 2 million people visit it each year which is why it is often ranked among the most visited museums in the world

Visitors love the paintings, especially those of Aivazovsky, Repin, Shishkin, and Malevich. Many recommend the audio-guided tour

“There is a three day ticket offer, you should take it if you are planning to visit all parts. One day will not be enough. Take your time and enjoy it worth every penny.”

23. National Art Museum (MUNAL), Mexico City, Mexico

Rating: 4.8

The Museo Nacional de Arte, or MUNAL in short, is a museum displaying Mexican art. The artworks date from the 16th to the 20th century. The museum is housed in a grand neoclassical building that is also a magnificent exhibit itself. 

Mexican art garners a lot of praise, especially works of Mario Hermoso and the temporal Caravaggio collection

“One of the best places to enjoy art whenever you’re in the downtown area. If you are lucky, you might catch up a concert. Don’t forget to take a lot of pictures.”

22. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria

Rating: 4.8

The Museum of Art History in Vienna is housed in an impressive building which makes it the largest art museum in Austria. The remarkable collection includes artworks of prominent artists such as Klimt, Raphael, Tintoretto, Durer, Caravaggio, and more. Each year the museum is visited by nearly 2 million people.

Bruegel, Rubens, Caravaggio, Klimt, Titian, Velazquez, Raphael, Durer, Vermeer and the Habsburgs’ collection are praised the most.

“An exceptional art museum! Make sure to look at the ceiling as well. It is an artwork itself.”

21. Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, Russia

Rating: 4.8

The largest museum of European art is annually visited by about a million people. Contrary to the popular belief, the Pushkin Museum doesn’t have much to do with Alexander Pushkin. Actually, it is a museum hosting around 700 000 artworks dating from ancient to modern times. 

While most visitors get impressed by the impressionists’ paintings, others love the archaeological artifacts. A lot of visitors refer to the long queues. 

“So under rated on the world scene, I was shocked of the priceless history this place holds. One of the best museums that exist in this world. Don’t miss it. This place will leave you in awe.”

20. Houston Museum of Natural Science, Houston, USA

Rating: 4.8

As the name reveals it, this natural history museum in Houston hosts incredible collections of gemstones, jewelry, fossils, and many more millennium-old artifacts. Moreover, the museum is one of the most popular in the US with more than 2 million visitors each year. The museum is also very popular thanks to the ever-changing guest exhibitions

Visitors love the collections of butterflies, gems, minerals, and mummies. Also, they recommend visiting on Thursdays when the entrance is free. 

“The exhibits were fascinating and very informative. The dinosaur exhibit is very extensive, the gem exhibition is really beautiful and the curiosities exhibit was pretty cool and creepy.”

19. National Museum of African American History and Culture, Washington DC, USA

Rating: 4.8

Another Smithsonian museum ranking on our list of best museums in the world is a great place to learn about the history of African American culture. All the more so because the entrance is free of charge. NMAAHC, in short, is the largest museum in the world on such a topic and displays a collection of more than 3500 items. Although relatively young, it is visited by almost 2 million people a year.

Visitors love the experience they get from visiting a museum. Also, the staff is trying to reply to all the reviews. 

“I had the time of my life. I encourage any person of any race or age to go and experience this. It’s a must see for yourself and take a full day to see it.”

18. Templo Mayor Museum, Mexico City, Mexico

Rating: 4.8

The Templo Mayor is a place visitors can discover pre-Hispanic Mexico. This main temple of the Mexica people is located in Tenochtitlan. In 1987, the museum was built to protect the findings of the site. It is divided into three floors and displays a permanent exhibition.

Visitors think the museum is beautiful. They love learning about the Mexican ancestors and the history of the area. 

“Beautiful place with so much history! A must go to place and be prepared to be there minimum 4 hours. So much to see and read about.”

17. Imperial Museum, Petropolis, Brazil

Rating: 4.8

The Museu Imperial de Petrópolis is the former residence of Emperor Pedro II. The museum hosts an exhibition of contemporary art. It is often ranked among the best and most visited museums in the country. Each year, it is visited by around 300 000 people.

The museum is attractive as it teaches about Brazil’s history. Visitors also love the collection and the interior for which they often say it is the same as left by the royal family. Some refer to the slippers visitors must wear inside the palace.

“Best historical paintings, crowns, wagons, and collections of Pedro I & II.  The garden is supremely nice with over 300 types of trees.”

16. Mercedes-Benz Museum, Stuttgart, Germany

Rating: 4.8

An automobile museum in Stuttgart is one of the most famous ones of such a theme and a refreshment on our list of best museums in the world. This one covers the history of the popular Mercedes-Benz brand with more than 160 vehicles displayed. Also, visitors can take a free guided audio tour. The Mercedes-Benz Museum is visited by approximately 800 000 people a year.

Of course, visitors who come here love the brand and the automotive industry. Also, they offer the museum to any car enthusiast.

“I loved this museum. ♥️ They perfectly showcased their history along with World history. Even they provide cappuccino drinks for all. You will need 2-3 hours to go through whole museum.”

15. State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia

Rating: 4.8

The prominent gallery in Moscow boasts a collection of more than 2000 artworks. The art is mostly dedicated to Russian history, so it includes artists such as Rublev, Levitzky, Svrasov, Borovikovsky, Repin, and more. With nearly 2 million visitors a year, the State Tretyakov Gallery is often on the list of the most visited art museums in the world. 

Visitors admire the paintings and point out different painters. A lot of them mention the ticket price and very long queues.

“One of the best museums to visit. You can visit the main exhibitions where there are many masterpieces or a temporary one. You’ll not be disappointed!”

14. National Museum Of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland

Rating: 4.8

The National Museum of Scotland was formed by merging the Museum of Scotland and the Royal Scottish Museum. Today it contains a collection of more than 12 million objects and specimen with new records regularly added. The museum is a great lesson in the history of Scottish culture and is visited by more than 2 million visitors a year.

Visitors love the fact the museum is interactive, they love learning about the history of Scotland. Many refer to the donation box and the view stretching from the roof terrace.

“It was a beautiful place to enjoy! Free entry and amazing stuff to see! We loved it. Definitely recommend.”

13. National Museum of Natural History, Washington DC, USA

Rating: 4.8

Another Smithsonian museum is dedicated to natural history. Moreover, the museum is the largest of such a theme in the world. The museum displays more than 145 million specimens of plants, fossils, rocks, gems, and many other artifacts. The entrance is free and the museum is open all year round. 

The dinosaur collection is the most attractive, closely followed by butterflies. Visitors also love minerals, mammals, and mummies among others. Some refer to the fact the popular movie Night At The Museum was filmed here. 

“Excellent tourist site for young children. Gives them an opportunity to learn about the evolution of the world. Great for adults as well. My kids had a blast.”

12. Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum, Oświęcim, Poland

Rating: 4.8

As one of the places which tell the most important story of recent human history, we collected all Auschwitz-Birkenau reviews, both the site and the Museum itself. As a huge “open-air” museum and a memorial to the greatest recent tragedy, this place needs no further description.

Expectedly, visiting Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum leaves a strong impression and is truly an emotional experience, and highly recommended.

“An unforgettable memorial to the darker cruel side of humanity. We must never forget…. and never stand by in silence to similar atrocities.”



11. The Malbork Castle Museum, Malbork, Poland

Rating: 4.8

The Malbork Castle Museum is housed in the Teutonic castle built in the 13th century as the largest brick castle in the world. Both interior and exterior are an impressive sight. Anyway, the Malbork Castle was a royal residence for centuries. Today, the site is protected by UNESCO and turned into a museum. 

The majority of visitors suggest the audio-guided tour. Also, they are most impressed by its exterior and the legacy of the Teutonic knight. 

“Biggest brick stone castle in the world. Impressive, huge, well restaurated. At least take 4 hours for a visit, even more if you want to walk the grounds, too.”



10. Miniatur Wunderland, Hamburg, Germany

Rating: 4.8

Miniature Wunderland is a huge attraction and a paradise for those who love models and replicas of real-life places. That especially refers to children. The model railway and airport miniature in Hamburg are the largest of their kind. The exhibit displays more than 1300 trains, more than 100 000 vehicles, over 130 000 trees, and about 400 000 human figures

Visitors are thrilled with the airport miniature and a model railway. Moreover, they consider this an unforgettable experience. They also love the interactive stuff. 

“Very huge exhibition. Very very detailed. You can find many Easter eggs here and there. You need between 3 to 4 hours to visit it completely. Highly suggested.”

9. State Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Rating: 4.8

One of the most popular attractions in Saint Petersburg is the Hermitage Museum situated by the glorious Winter Palace. Not only it is the largest museum in the world, but it also gives a glimpse of former tsarist Russia. The elegant and eclectic building is home to the impressive collection of European art from the 13th to 20th century with more than 3 million items. The museum is visited by more than 4 million people a year.

Visitors point out it is a good choice to visit the museum via organized excursions in order to skip the long queues.

“It is not necessary to say how beautiful the Museum is but so huge and has so many exhibits that one can spend endless time and still don’t have enough of the place.”

The Hermitage

The Hermitage

8. Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, Moscow, Russia

Rating: 4.8

Another Russian gem is the Tsaritsyno palace and museum founded on the order of Catherine the Great. The impressive complex is set in gorgeous green surroundings. The inside of the building hides an extensive collection of artworks but the palace itself serves as one huge displayed masterpiece. 

Besides the art collection, visitors love the huge garden surrounding the palace with fountains, ponds, swans, etc. Many say it all together looks like a fairy tale.

“Great place in Moscow not only to visit a museum and see large and beautiful residence of Katerina the Great. This place is as well wonderful to rest, enjoy park until dark.”

7. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA

Rating: 4.8

The Met, colloquially, is one of the most visited art museums in the world receiving about 6 million visitors a year. As one of the largest museums in the US, it hosts a collection of more than 2 million artworks and items from Medieval Europe. The museum is divided into 17 departments but the main building is the one on the famous Fifth Avenue

Visitors love the collections of weapons, ancient civilizations, and medieval art. The New York citizens enter by paying whatever amount they want.

“This is the best museum I’ve ever been. It’s must visit place in New York. It so big, spent whole day here and it was not enough. I really liked Egypt section, probably this is their biggest section.”

6. Peterhof State Museum-Reserve, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Rating: 4.8

The museum-reserve Peterhof is one of those places in Russia where you can feel like a tsar walking through the grand palace. Peterhof was a direct response to the Versailles Palace in France which is why it is often called “The Russian Versailles”. The whole complex is a huge museum with incredible art collections and priceless items

Visitors are in love with the fountains which are the main topic of discussion. Others refer to the tickets which are cheaper for Russian residents if they provide a passport.

“Must see. Despite the fact that nearly no original furniture could be saved, its beautifully restaurated and breathtaking. Parks are also great.”

5. Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Turkey

Rating: 4.8

The beautiful Hagia Sophia was built as the largest Orthodox church in 537. Later, it was turned into one of the most important mosques in the Ottoman Empire. Today, Hagia Sophia is a museum displaying collections of gold, mosaics, and faintly scratched Viking graffiti. Both exterior and the grand interior will impress you and tell you a lot about Ottoman history. 

Visitors love learning about the former Christian and Muslim purposes of the building. Also, they consider it an important historic monument. 

“Breathtaking and stunning mosque with splendid interior and exterior craftsmanship of the highest quality. Definitely a must visit for all who visit İstanbul.”

Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia

4. Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City, Mexico

Raiting: 4.8

The Palace of Fine Arts in Mexico City is home to various exhibitions but also cultural, music, and other events. Often called the Cathedral of Art in Mexico, the museum boasts an impressive look both outside and inside. It features a wide array of Mexican and international artists and it is protected by UNESCO. Finally, it is visited by around half a million visitors a year.

Collections of Mario Hermoso and Diego Riviera attract most of the attention. Visitors also love the Mexican muralism and refer to the building as an emblem. 

“Wow! The building itself is probably more gorgeous than the paintings. Wonderful visit. Lots of artwork, murals and even architecture to look at.”

3. Volgograd Panorama Museum, Volgograd, Russia

Rating: 4.9

This enormous museum is dedicated to WWII and the turning point in the war, The Battle of Stalingrad. This complex displays real war relics in both outsides and inside spaces. The most striking is the ruin of Grudinin Mill, one of the largest war relics in Russia. All in all, another important lesson in human history that is worth visiting.

Most visitors suggest an audio-guided tour due to the lack of English signage. They mostly agree the place is a significant memory in the homeland defend. 

“This museum is the best resource to gather knowledge about the vulnerable victory of Russia over Stalingrad war…the deadliest battle ever been the museum…love the country.”

2. The State Museum St. Isaac’s Cathedral, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Rating: 4.9

One more Russian wonder that ranks high on our list of best museums in the world is the imposing Cathedral of St. Isaac. One of the largest Russian landmarks today functions as a museum, with recent requests for restoring the religious purposes being rejected. Not only the cathedral is a sight to behold both outside and inside, but it also houses numerous valuable items

Many seem to be impressed with the view from the colonnade. Visitors mostly arrive as a part of organized excursions. Also, a lot of visitors discuss tickets. 

“Hands down the best cathedral, I have ever seen. Breathtakingly beautiful and overwhelming. Should be the first place to visit in the city.”

St Isaack's Cathedral

St Isaac’s Cathedral

1. Kazan Kremlin, Kazan, Russia

Rating: 4.9

On top of the list of 50 best museums in the world is the splendid Kazan Kremlin complex that today functions as a museum. Not only it is one of the most beautiful sites of Russia, but it is also a place of significant monuments, artifacts, and priceless items. The complex is protected by UNESCO with around 1.5 million visitors per year.

Visitors are mainly impressed with the mosque and various souvenirs. A lot of them recommend visiting at night, while others suggest taking a guided tour. 

“Amazing place that combines the Muslim world with the Christian one. Solid proof of two cultures coming in and sharing a space together.”

Kazan Kremlin

Kazan Kremlin

Map of Best Museums in the World

Best Museums in Africa

Opposite to the popular belief that the African continent doesn’t offer much in terms of museums, there is a number of quite significant places worth visiting. Check out which museums in Africa deserve to be mentioned when speaking of the best museums in the world. The following list includes the best museums in Africa with more than 1000 reviews.

Museum of Islamic ArtEgypt4.7★
Bibliotheca AlexandrinaEgypt4.7★
Luxor MuseumEgypt4.7★
St. Catherine’s MonasteryEgypt4.7★
The Franschhoek Motor Museum, FranschhoekSouth Africa4.7★
Apartheid Museum, JohannesburgSouth Africa4.6★
Nubian MuseumEgypt4.6★
South African National Museum of Military History, JohannesburgSouth Africa4.6★
Egyptian MuseumEgypt4.5★
Bardo National Museum (Tunis)Tunisia4.5★
Constitution Hill, JohannesburgSouth Africa4.4★
Hector Pieterson Memorial, SowetoSouth Africa4.4★
District Six Museum, Cape TownSouth Africa4.4★
Mohammed VI Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, RabatMorocco4.4★

Best Museums in Asia

Several Asian museums managed to rank among the best museums in the world, but the list is far richer than that. Here is the extensive list of the best museums in Asia that have more than 1000 reviews

State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve “Kazan Kremlin”Russia4.9★
State Museum-Reserve “Battle of Stalingrad”Russia4.9★
Yad VashemIsrael4.8★
Museum of the RepublicTurkey4.8★
Museum AngkutIndonesia4.7★
Mevlana MuseumTurkey4.7★
Temple of the Sacred Tooth RelicSri Lanka4.7★
Israel MuseumIsrael4.7★
Zeugma Mosaic MuseumTurkey4.7★
Museum Bank IndonesiaIndonesia4.7★
Museum of Anatolian CivilizationsTurkey4.7★
Ullen Sentalu MuseumIndonesia4.7★
Hacı Bektaş Veli MuseumTurkey4.7★
Ataturk Congress and Ethnography MuseumTurkey4.7★
Louvre Abu DhabiUnited Arab Emirates4.6★
The National Museum of KoreaSouth Korea4.6★
Palace MuseumChina4.6★
The War Memorial of KoreaSouth Korea4.6★
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum (Hiroshima)Japan4.6★
National Museum DelhiIndia4.6★
Museum GeologiIndonesia4.6★
Museum NasionalIndonesia4.6★
National Gallery SingaporeSingapore4.6★
Ghibli Museum (Tokyo)Japan4.6★
Tuol Sleng Genocide MuseumCambodia4.6★
Seodaemun Prison History MuseumSouth Korea4.6★
National Museum of the PhilippinesPhilippines4.6★
Emperor Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum Site MuseumChina4.6★
Hellfire Pass Memorial MuseumThailand4.6★
Pinang Peranakan MansionMalaysia4.6★
Islamic Arts Museum MalaysiaMalaysia4.6★
Choeung Ek Genocidal CenterCambodia4.6★
House Of Danar HadiIndonesia4.6★
Indian Museum KolkataIndia4.5★
Chhatrapati Shivaji Vastu Museum MumbaiIndia4.5★
War Remnants Museum, Ho Chi Minh CityVietnam4.5★
Tokyo National Museum (Tokyo)Japan4.5★
Art Science MuseumSingapore4.5★
Tel Aviv Museum of ArtIsrael4.5★
National Museum of SingaporeSingapore4.5★
Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in NusantaraIndonesia4.5★
Gyeongju National MuseumSouth Korea4.5★
Vietnam Museum of Ethnology, HanoiVietnam4.5★
Toyota Museum of Industry and Technology (Nagoya)Japan4.5★
Chiran Peace Museum for Kamikaze Pilots (Kagoshima)Japan4.5★
National Palace Museum of KoreaSouth Korea4.5★
Asia Civilisation MuseumSingapore4.5★
The National Museum BangkokThailand4.5★
Nezu Museum (Tokyo)Japan4.5★
Cultural Center of the PhilippinesPhilippines4.5★
Al Masmak PalaceSaudi Arabia4.5★
National Museum of IranIran4.5★
National Folk Museum of KoreaSouth Korea4.5★
Al Ain Palace MuseumUnited Arab Emirates4.5★
St. Nicholas (Santa Claus) Church and MuseumTurkey4.5★
Sharjah Classic Car MuseumUnited Arab Emirates4.5★
Salar Jung Museum HyderabadIndia4.4★
National Rail Museum DelhiIndia4.4★
Napier Museum TrivandrumIndia4.4★
Edo Tokyo Museum (Tokyo)Japan4.4★
King Abdul Aziz Historical CenterSaudi Arabia4.4★
Jim Thompson House MuseumThailand4.4★
Adachi Museum of Art (Shimane)Japan4.4★
Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum (Fukui)Japan4.4★
Hakone Open-Air Museum (Hakone)Japan4.4★
Science Centre SingaporeSingapore4.4★
Eretz Israel MuseumIsrael4.4★
Port Dickson Army MuseumMalaysia4.4★
Wonderfood MuseumMalaysia4.4★
Government Museum ChennaiIndia4.3★
The Royal Palace and Silver PagodaCambodia4.3★
Fine Arts Museum ( Bao Tang My Thuat), Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamVietnam4.3★
Ho Chi Minh City Museum of Fine ArtsVietnam4.3★
Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz Science And Technology CenterSaudi Arabia4.3★
Dr. Bhau Daji Lad Museum MumbaiIndia4.3★
National Maritime MuseumSouth Korea4.3★
Samsung D’lightSouth Korea4.3★
Vietnamese Women’s museum, HanoiVietnam4.3★
Angkor National MuseumCambodia4.3★
Museum KataIndonesia4.3★
The Mind MuseumPhilippines4.3★
Singapore Art MuseumSingapore4.3★
Daegu National MuseumSouth Korea4.3★
Baba & Nyonya Heritage MuseumMalaysia4.3★
Peranakan MuseumSingapore4.3★
National Museum of MalaysiaMalaysia4.2★
Shankar’s International Dolls Museum DelhiIndia4.2★
Red Dot Design Museum SingaporeSingapore4.2★
Phuket Trick Eye MuseumThailand4.2★
Museum of Illusions DubaiUnited Arab Emirates4.2★
Perak MuseumMalaysia4.2★
National Museum of CambodiaCambodia4.1★
Singapore Discovery CenterSingapore4.1★
Cambodia War MuseumCambodia4.1★

Best Museums in Australia

Australia has a fair share of valuable museums that are worth mentioning. Although Australian museums seem to be less popular, here is the list of best museums in Australia, with more than 1000 reviews

Museum of New Zealand Te Papa TongarewaNew Zealand4.7★
Melbourne’s National Gallery of VictoriaAustralia4.7★
Sydney’s Art GalleryAustralia4.7★
Albany, WA’s National Anzac CentreAustralia4.7★
Bendigo Art GalleryAustralia4.7★
Melbourne MuseumAustralia4.6★
Canberra’s QuestaconAustralia4.6★
Canberra’s National GalleryAustralia4.6★
Northern Territory Museum & Art Gallery, DarwinAustralia4.6★
Darwin’s ExperienceAustralia4.5★

Best Museums in Europe

As expected, the majority of the world’s best museums are located in Europe and the West in general. While more than half of the list of the best museums in the world is European, the list of European museums is much longer. To make the list reasonably long, we present you with the best European museums with more than 10,000 reviews.

State Museum-Monument “St. Isaac’s Cathedral”Russia4.9★
Hagia SophiaTurkey4.8★
State Museum-Reserve “Peterhof”Russia4.8★
State Museum-Reserve “Tsaritsyno”Russia4.8★
State HermitageRussia4.8★
Miniatur WunderlandGermany4.8★
The Malbork Castle MuseumPoland4.8★
Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and MuseumPoland4.8★
National Museum Of ScotlandUK4.8★
State Tretyakov GalleryRussia4.8★
State Museum of Fine Arts. A.S. PushkinRussia4.8★
Kunsthistorisches MuseumAustria4.8★
State Russian MuseumRussia4.8★
Louvre MuseumFrance4.7★
Wawel Royal Castle State Art CollectionPoland4.7★
British MuseumUK4.7★
Prado MuseumSpain4.7★
Topkapı PalaceTurkey4.7★
National Museum of Sant’AngeloItaly4.7★
Orsay MuseumFrance4.7★
Uffizi GalleriesItaly4.7★
Archaeological Park of PompeiiItaly4.7★
Victoria And Albert MuseumUK4.7★
Acropolis MuseumGreece4.7★
National GalleryUK4.7★
Vasa MuseumSweden4.7★
National Air and Space Museum, Washington DCUSA4.7★
White TowerGreece4.7★
Royal CastlePoland4.7★
Naturhistorisches MuseumAustria4.7★
Batalha MonasteryPortugal4.7★
Wilanow Palace MuseunPoland4.7★
Tate BritainUK4.7★
Kelvingrove Art Gallery And MuseumUK4.7★
Natural History MuseumUK4.7★
Antipa MuseumRomania4.7★
Pyrogovo MuseumUkraine4.7★
Convento de CristoPortugal4.7★
Etar Open-Air Museum, GabrovoBulgaria4.7★
Ancient OlympiaGreece4.7★
Mont St Michel AbbeyFrance4.6★
Van Gogh MuseumNetherlands4.6★
Belem TowerPortugal4.6★
Jeronimos MonasteryPortugal4.6★
Gedenkstätte Berliner MauerGermany4.6★
Royal Palace of CasertaItaly4.6★
Castelul CorvinilorRomania4.6★
Accademy’s Gallery FlorenceItaly4.6★
Thyssen-Bornemisza MuseumSpain4.6★
CosmoCaixa BarcelonaSpain4.6★
Deutsches MuseumGermany4.6★
National Museum of Art of CataloniaSpain4.6★
National ArchaeologicalGreece4.6★
National archeologic museum NaplesItaly4.6★
Herakleion Archaeological (Crete)Greece4.6★
Constanța DolphinariumRomania4.6★
Lights WorkshopFrance4.6★
Mafra National PalacePortugal4.6★
Army museumFrance4.6★
Palace of the Grand Master (Rhodes)Greece4.6★
National Museum in WarsawPoland4.6★
Devin Castle Slovakia4.6★
Alcobaca MonasteryPortugal4.6★
Tate ModernUK4.5★
Guggenheim Museum BilbaoSpain4.5★
London Science MuseumUK4.5★
Anne Frank HouseNetherlands4.5★
Reina Sofía National Art Center MuseumSpain4.5★
Museum of Egyptian AntiquitiesItaly4.5★
Topographie des TerrorsGermany4.5★
NEMO Science MuseumNetherlands4.5★
Royal Museums GreenwichUK4.5★
CaixaForum MadridSpain4.5★
Moco MuseumNetherlands4.5★
Bran CastleRomania4.4★
Centre PompidouFrance4.4★
Picasso Museum BarcelonaSpain4.4★
Cantacuzino CastleRomania4.4★
Museum aan de Stroom (MAS), AntwerpBelgium4.4★
The Viking Ship MuseumNorway4.4★
Born Center for Culture and MemorySpain4.4★
Stedelijk Museum AmsterdamNetherlands4.4★
National MuseumCzechia4.3★
Terror HazaHungary4.1★

Best Museums in North America

Museums in Canada and the USA ranked high on our list of best museums in the world. Therefore, here is a list of all museums in North America that have over 1000 reviews.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New YorkUSA4.8★
National Museum of Natural History, Washington DCUSA4.8★
National Museum of African American History and Culture, Washington DCUSA4.8★
Houston Museum of Natural Science, HoustonUSA4.8★
National Gallery of Art, Washington DCUSA4.8★
Royal Ontario MuseumCanada4.7★
National Museum of American History, Washington DCUSA4.7★
California Science Center, Los AngelesUSA4.7★
The Art Gallery of OntarioCanada4.7★
Montreal Museum of Fine ArtsCanada4.7★
Royal Tyrrell MuseumCanada4.7★
Royal BC MuseumCanada4.7★
Canadian War MuseumCanada4.7★
Smithsonian American Art Museum (with the Renwick Gallery), Washington DCUSA4.7★
The Museum of AnthropologyCanada4.7★
Royal Saskatchewan MuseumCanada4.7★
Museum of Modern Art, New YorkUSA4.6★
American Museum of Natural History, New YorkUSA4.6★
The Canadian Museum of HistoryCanada4.6★
Canadian Museum for Human RightsCanada4.6★
The Manitoba MuseumCanada4.6★
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21Canada4.6★
Musée de la CivilisationCanada4.5★

Best Museums in South America

An enviable number of museums in Latin America found their place on the list of best museums in the world. However, if curious to know which museums are ranked the best only in South America, check out the further list. It contains museums with more than 1000 reviews.

Museo del Palacio de Bellas ArtesMexico4.8★
Museu Imperial de PetrópolisBrazil4.8★
Museo del Templo MayorMexico4.8★
Museo Nacional del Arte (MUNAL)Mexico4.8★
Botero MuseumColombia4.8★
Museu Nacional de Belas ArtesBrazil4.8★
The São Paulo Museum of ArtBrazil4.7★
Gold MuseumColombia4.7★
Museo Nacional de Bellas ArtesArgentina4.7★
Museo Nacional de ColombiaColombia4.7★
Museo Regional de GuanajuatoMexico4.7★
Museo Nacional de las CulturasMexico4.7★
Larco Museum Peru4.7★
Museo de Arqueología de Alta MontañaArgentina4.7★
Museo Nacional de Arte DecorativoArgentina4.7★
Rio Grande do Sul Museum of ArtBrazil4.7★
The Museum of the Portuguese LanguageBrazil4.7★
Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos AiresArgentina4.6★
Museo de la PlataArgentina4.6★
Museo del Fuerte de San Juan de UlúaMexico4.6★
Museo de Arte ModernoMexico4.6★
Museum of the Royal Tombs of SipánPeru4.6★
Fundación PROAArgentina4.6★
The National Historical Museum of BrazilBrazil4.6★
The National Museum of BrazilBrazil4.6★
Fortaleza San FelipeDominican Republic4.6★
Museo de las Casas RealesDominican Republic4.6★
Museo Nacional de HistoriaMexico4.6★
Buenos Aires Museum of Modern ArtArgentina4.5★
Museo Paleontológico Egidio FeruglioArgentina4.5★
El Museo del Vino y la VendimiaArgentina4.4★
Columbus LighthouseDominican Republic4.3★
Museo Nacional de AntropologíaMexico4.3★
Fortaleza San LuisDominican Republic4.3★
Museo InkaPeru4.3★
Museo de la RevoluciónCuba4.2★

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