Town Krk

Bus Krk Island

The island of Krk, or the largest island in the Adriatic Sea, is located in the northern Adriatic; and it belongs to a group of islands in the Kvarner Archipelago, as a part of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County. The island Krk is very popular tourist destination with rich tourist offer and valuable cultural and historical sights.

Thanks to a very favorable geographic position, and the bridge that connects the island with the mainland, Krk is extremely well connected with all parts of Croatia.

Rijeka airport is situated on the island Krk, just 1 km from Omisalj city, 25 km from center of Rijeka.

Njivice Island Krk

Njivice Island Krk

Bus routes on island Krk:

The most popular routes on the island goes from Vrbnik via Baska and Punat to Krk and from Krk via Malinska and Njivice to Omisalj and the other way round.

Given the fact that Rijeka is only 25 km away from the Krk city, the bus line from Krk to Rijeka is extremely popular as well.

Prices for buses on Krk:

Travelling by bus on Korcula is relatively not expensive, e.g. a one way adult ticket from Baska to Omisalj costs about 54 Kuna, a return ticket is apx. 82, children under 12 years pay about half and children under 4 years 20% to 25% of the adult ticket price.

In Krk city you can buy the bus ticket at the bus station, and for other smaller towns you can buy the ticket directly on the bus, or in the local tourist offices next to the bus stop.

Baska Island Krk

Baska Island Krk

Bus stations and bus stops on Island Krk

In Krk city the bus departs from the bus station which is located in the center of the city, just along the city waterfront promenade. It is about 500 meters away from the old town of Krk, so you can easily walk to/from the bus station to any part of the town. You can find the exact location of the bus station in Krk here.

In Malinska city the bus departs from the bus stop which is located in the center of the city, just about 5 minutes away from the waterfront promenade, so you can easily walk to/from the bus station to any part of the town. You can find the exact location of the bus stop in Malinska here.

In Baska the bus departs from the bus stop which is only 500 meters away from the old town of Baska, so you can easily walk to/from the bus station to any part of the town. You can find the exact location of the bus stop in Baska here.

Malinska Island Krk

Malinska Island Krk

Bus station in Omisalj is located at the roundabout, just next to a large supermarket. Exact location of the bus stop in Omisalj can be found here.

Bus station in Punat is located right next to the Tourist Information Centre Punat, about two hundred meters from the hotel Park Punat. You can find the exact location of the bus stop in Punat here.

Bus station in Njivice is located in Kralja Tomislava street; near the the number 29. Exact location of the bus stop in Njivice can be found here.


  1. vladimir gvozdanović   •  

    trebam raspored vožnje za turistički bus za razgledavanje krka,jelqačić trg-dražica

    • Maja   •  

      Poštovani Vladimire,

      nažalost, nemamo informacija o turističkim autobusima za razgledavanje Krka, samo o redovnom autobusnom prijevozu.
      Savjetujemo da o autobusima za razgledavanje priupitate turističku zajednicu otoka Krka.

      Maja, GetByBus

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