
Bus Venice Istria

Troughout the year it is possible to travel by bus from Venice to towns like Umag, Novigrad, Porec, Rovinj and Pula. Obviously it is also possible to travel in the opposite direction. During summer season there are more departures then in the winter season.

When you travel from Venice it is important to know that some buses depart from the people mover bus station which is located by the Tronchetto train station on the Isola Nuova Island. From the Marcus Square there is about 3.5 km (40 minutes walk) to the bus terminal. (From this station you can currently only travel to Pula)

The other bus station from where some of the buses to Istria depart is by the Venice Mestre Station on the mainland, which is about 11 km from the Marcus Square; walking is not recommendable, but you can easyly get there with the frequent commute trains from the Santa Lucia Station which is located on the Venice Island (2.8 km from the Marcus Square).

On Getbybus you can select either Venice (IT) bus terminal or Venice – Mestre as you departure or arrival station. For all departures from either of those stations, it is marked from where the respective bus departs (Address and GPS location). When you buy a ticket on GetByBus you will additionally receive a PDF document (on E-mail) with all details about the departure location. If you have never travelled from any of the stations, we recommend you arrive 20 minutes before the scheduled departure, so that you have time to find the right location.

To make the search for the bus a bit easier, you can click on the links below to see information about departures (You can change the travel date at the top of the page) between the combinations listed. Please note not all combinations have buses all year around.

Buses to and from Venice People mover station:

Venice – Pula ← → Pula – Venice

Buses to and from Venice Mestre station:

Venice Mestre – Pula ← → Pula – Venice Mestre

Venice Mestre – Rovinj ← → Rovinj – Venice Mestre

Venice Mestre – Porec ← → Porec – Venice Mestre

Venice Mestre – Umag ← → Umag – Venice Mestre

Venice Mestre – Novigrad ← → Novigrad – Venice Mestre

Luggage storage in Venice Mestre:

At the Venice Mestre station as well as on the Santa Lucia station you have the option to store luggage and due to the large number of passengers, you might have to stand in line to deposit or retrieve your luggage (keep that in mind if you need to catch a bus or a train). In addition to the luggage storage at the stations, there are shops in the neighborhood offering 0-24 storage of luggage.

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