
London – Glasgow

When travelling from London to Glasgow, you have several options, the cheapest way is usually to take one of the many daily buses. The shortest road travel distance between the cities is 412 Miles (663 km), when travelling by bus the trip takes 8 to 10 hours depending on which route the bus follows. If you are on a tight budget, you might want to consider one of the night bus departures, which will save you a night of accommodation.

Majority of the buses from London to Glasgow departure from Victoria coach station, as we mention in our post about buses from London to Manchester, it easy to get to the bus station from the Victoria train station. Some buses also take passengers at the Golders Green Bus Station, which is located at 8B North End Road, NW11 7PL, just a few hundred metres from the Golders Green tube station. A few of the departures can also be boarded at the london Heathrow airport. As both places can be a bit overwhelming it is a good idea to arrive at least 30 minutes before departure at the station. The overnight bus departure London at 11 PM (23:00) and arrive in Glasgow at 7.15 AM. – you can see all departures here.

Popular bus routes from London:

Bus London – Leicester Bus London – Aberdeen Bus London – Bolton
Bus London – Brussels Bus London – Antwerp Bus London – Cambridge
Bus London – Wolverhampton Bus London – Leigh on sea Bus London – Swansea

If you are travelling in the opposite direction from Glasgow to London, you will have to catch the bus from the Buchanan Bus Station which i located at Killermont Street G2 3NW, near the Glasgow Caledonian University and opposite to the royal concert hall. The bus station can be easily reached with city bus from most parts of Glasgow. The nearest subway station is Queen Street, which is 7-8 minutes walk from the Buchanan Bus Station. The overnight bus from Glasgow departure at 10:30 PM (22:30) and arrive in London the next following morning at around 7 AM. You can see all departures from Glasgow to London here.

Popular bus routes from Glasgow:

Bus Glasgow – Milton Keynes Bus Glasgow – Bolton Bus Glasgow – Bristol
Bus Glasgow – Newcastle Bus Glasgow – Southampton Bus Glasgow – Leeds
Bus Glasgow – Heathrow-airport Bus Glasgow – Oxford Bus Glasgow – Wycombe

Other travel option between Glasgow and London:

If you are not on a budget there is of course other ways of travelling between the cities.

Taking a plane is of course the fastest option, flying time between the cities is about 1 hour and 20 minutes, if you book at the right time you can find bargain flights, but keep in mind you have cost of luggage and also the cost of getting to and from the airport.

Another option is to take the train which takes from 4 hours and 30 minutes, in most case this is quite expensive compared with the bus, but if money is not any issue, you will probably appreciate the shorter travel time and the additional comfort.

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