
Mostar to Sarajevo

New bus lines between Mostar and Sarajevo as well as the opposite direction are now online, from Mostar to Sarajevo there is 8 daily departures, first departure from 06:00 (6AM) and the last departure is 18:15 (6:15 PM). You can see most popular departure times here.

From Sarajevo to Mostar there are 9 daily departure, the first departure is 06:00 (6AM) and the last departure is 19:55 (7:55 PM), you can see popular departures here. Travel time between the cities is about 2 hours and 30 minutes. Whit the new bus lines it should be possible to arrange a day trip by bus to either of the towns.

From Mostar the buses departure from the east bus station, which is about 1.3 km from the old town part of Mostar, you can location of the bus station here.

From Sarajevo buses departure from the main (west) bus station, which is located about 2 km from the centre of Sarajevo, you can location of the bus station here.

NOTE: On public holidays schedule might be limited

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