New ticket price Basel to Zagreb
As of today we have new prices online for the Autotrans route from Switzerland to Croatia and the opposite direction. The prices have been reduced not only from Basel to Zagreb but for all travel combinations and tariff groups including single / return adult, single / return children and of course also one way and return tickets for students and pensioners.
Here is an overview of the price reduction in the different tariff groups
Child 4-11
72 / 135 CHF
36 / 67 CHF
65 / 121 CHF
65 / 121 CHF
44 / 80 CHF
22 / 40 CHF
40 / 72 CHF
40 / 72 CHF
28 / 55 CHF
14 / 27 CHF
25 / 49 CHF
25 / 49 CHF
Tickets for all departures can be purchased online on; you can use the search form at the top right corner to find suitable departures. Booking ahead is advisable especially for departures on Fridays and Sundays, and of course for all departures around Christmas and New Year.
From Switzerland tickets are available from the following cities
- Basel, Zurich, Lucerne and Bellinzona
As destinations in Croatia, the following cities are available
- Karlovac, Zagreb, Nova Gradiska, Slavonski Brod, Dakovo, Osijek
If you are travelling from Croatia to Switzerland, you of course have the same cities available
The routes operate 5 days a week year around, the bus route is direct, so no bus change is necessary regardless of which of the above mentioned cities you board and exit the bus. The route is operated with modern long distance bus, ensuring a comfortable ride for the passengers.
As on more or less all routes to and from Croatia, luggage for the hold is not included in the ticket price, fees for this are paid to the driver on site.