Lonely house on the river Drina in Bajina Basta, Serbia

Visit National park Tara

National park Tara is one of 5 Serbian national parks. It stands out from other parks by its Serbian spruce forests (a protected and endangered species), discovered by botanist Josif Pancic in 1875.

Besides spruce, the park is also characterized by primeval forests of beech and fir. The park was founded in 1981, and it includes Tara and Zvijezda mountains. The average altitude is between 1000 m and 2000 m – a paradise for hikers and mountaineers!

If you’re planning to visit this remarkable natural beauty, make sure to read our guide to National park Tara.

How to get to National park Tara?

The park itself is situated at the westernmost part of Serbia and includes the area of the municipality Bajina Basta bordered by the Drina river between Visegrad and Bajina Basta.

By car

You can reach the National park by car from three directions:

  • Route Bajina Basta – Kaluderske bare
  • Route Bajina Basta – Perucac – Mitrovac
  • Route Kremna – Kaluderske bare

By bus

The buses operated by Raketa AB regularly run to Tara and local villages in the mountain from bigger Serbian cities and back.

From Belgrade:

  • The bus from Belgrade departs every day at 9:00 and at 11:25 ( working days only) and it stops in Bajina Basta and Valjevo and finally at Tara
  • Bus to Perucac – departs from Belgrade at 11:25 (working days), 15:15, and the last one at 17:30

From Kragujevac to Bajina Basta – the bus departs from the bus station in Kragujevac every day at 11:45

From Uzice to Bajina Basta – there are several lines throughout the day but the first one leaves at 06:20 and the last one at 21:15.

Where is the entrance to NP Tara?

There is no official entrance for National park Tara. However, you can choose visitors centers in Bajina Basta or in Mitrovac as your starting points. You can also buy entrance tickets there.

Entrance and prices

Updated in 2021

  • Entrance tickets – adults 100 RSD / students 50 RSD
  • Protected area Crveni Potok – Tepih livada – adults 100 RSD / students 50 RSD
  • Professional guide services – 4500 RSD (up to six hours)
  • Bike rental – 200 RSD (1 hour), 800 RSD (day)
  • Inflatable kayak rent – 1200 RSD (day)
  • Binoculars rent – 1200 RSD (day)
  • Hiking sticks rent – 500 RSD (day)

Things to do at Tara

Whether it is summer or winter, you won’t regret visiting this magnificent mountain.

On Tara the air is fresh during summer, so if you want to escape from the unbearable heat, then this national park is the perfect place for you. There are numerous things to do at Tara so let’s check out some of them.


The park currently has more than 30 walking trails and here are some of them you can choose from.

  • Raca trail – Being only 2 kilometres long, it is one of the easiest paths. The starting point of the path is from the most valuable cultural and historical monument of the park, Raca monastery. Then you continue to the nature reserve Race gorge through the beech forest.  The path ends at thermal springs Ladevac (you can taste the water from the waterfalls, because it is considered to be good for skin diseases and eyesight problems!)
  • Jarevac trail – Another path in the category of the easy ones, follows the mountain stream Jarevac and it continues all the way to the mountain trail 3 kilometres long which leads to Brana Jarevac resort where you can rest and have a picnic. NOTE: You should have adequate equipment for the mountain trail.
  • Educational trail ‘Banjska stena’ – Classified as a medium-difficult path, it starts from the entrance of protected area Crveni potok and follows the forest trail to Banjska stena viewpoint. Why educational ? Well, along the path you will find educational board with the info about plant species and ecosystems of the mountain. This trail is recommended for groups because of possible encounters with wild animals. NOTE: The same goes for Biljeska stena trail, only this one has educational boards about animals.
Beautiful Orthodox Monastery Raca, near Bajina Basta, Serbia
orthodox monastery Raca


Besides the already mentioned Banjska stena viewpoint, you can visit another 4 viewpoints, at least those fenced and safe for visitors.

The majority of the viewpoints are inaccessible, but these 5 give the most beautiful view you can get from Tara mountain:

  • Banjska stena is the most popular one among the hikers and it has a spectacular view of Lake Perucac.
  • Biljeska stena also has the view on the Lake Perucac but from another side and you can also see the endemic Serbian spruce forest
  • Crnjeskovo is situated at Kaluderske Bare at an altitude of 1035m, 15 mins walking distance from monastery apartments
  • Oslusa viewpoint is located 8 km from Mitrovac and it is equipped with a gazebo, benches and tables for picnic. You can light fire at this viewpoint because it has a firebox. Those who like paragliding will here find a take-off point.
  • Sjenic viewpoint is the highest (1444 m) and it even has an additional 12 m watchtower. It gives the breathtaking view of Derventa gorge, Rasiste village, Lake Perucac and forested massif of Tara mountain
National park Tara mountain, Serbia, Serbian Landscape
viewpoint at Tara National Park


How great is it that you can actually fish at the national park? Fishing is mostly available at artificial lakes of Tara, since fishing is forbidden on rivers and streams. So make sure you check with the administration first where is safe to fish.

Houseboats of Perucac lake, Tara National Park (Serbia)
Houseboats on Perucac lake


The national park Tara currently has three marked cycling routes, but they can also serve as hiking trails.

The most popular one is from the town of Zlatibor to Tara and backward. 

NOTE: You can rent a bike if you don’t have your own. The price for one hour rent is 150 RSD (1.2 €) and price for the whole day is 600 RSD (5 €).


We’re sure some of you would like to experience kayaking on one of many artificial lakes of the national park.

The best thing is that you can rent them whenever you want – for 200 RSD (2.5 €) if it is just for an hour, or 800 RSD (6.5€) per day.

Serene lonely house on the river Drina in Bajina Basta, Serbia
river Drina in Bajina Basta

Where to stay?

NP Tara facilities

You can choose between several options – if you’re are alone or in a group of two or three people, the best option would be staying overnight at Forester’s hut in Mitrovica.

Another possible option is Racanska Sljivovica Learning center with 4 apartments and 14 beds altogether.

Check the official page of the park for additional info about huts.

Private accommodation

If you’re looking for private accommodation in the park, check the offer in Bajina Basta on the map below.

Additional information

It is good to have a map of the National park Tara because it is surrounded by forests, so to avoid getting lost, make sure you buy one.

The official map has marked hiking trails, all the paths, villages and other topographical elements.

  • The price of the map is 200 RSD
  • It can be bought in information centres in Bajina Basta and in Mitrovac and in the Hotel Omorika.
  • Visitors of the park also have at their disposal leaflets about the park with useful information on several languages: Serbian, English, German, Russian and Hungarian.

Contact info

National park Tara
Phone: (+381) 031/ 863 644
E-mail: office@nptara.rs
Adress: Milenka Topalovica 3, Bajina Basta, Serbia


  1. Ana   •  

    What are the companies which let you rent Kayaks for such low prices? Searching on the internet I’ve been only able to find really pricey ones (50euros/day)

    • Melani   •     Author

      Dear Ana,

      Kayaks can be rented for this price at visitors centre in Bajina Basta, however kayaks are inflatable – thus the cheap price.

      Best regards,
      Melani GBB Team

  2. Ema   •  

    You said that Educational trail ‘Banjska stena’ is the trail where you could encounter a wild animal. So can you list some wild animals that could be found there

    • Maja   •  

      Dear Ema,

      among species that live on Tara mountain are brown bears, chamois, deer, jackals, wild boars, etc.
      That is why it is suggested to follow the path and stick to the group to keep safe.

      GBB Team

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