Visit to Klis Fortress

If visiting Split, here’s a perfect day trip for all generations! The Klis Fortress was mostly visited by domestic tourists but for the past four years its popularity has grown immensely and the fortress has become an essential part of the visit to Split and Dalmatia. Here are the most important information you need to know before visiting Klis Fortress!

Get in touch with history of the fortress

The Klis Fortress is a medieval fortress situated above the homonymous municipality. The fortress was built at the altitude of 360 metres for the purpose of controlling invasions of the enemies. Due to its strategic position between two mountains, Kozjak and Mosor, the fortress played a major role in defense of entire Dalmatia, especially when it comes to Ottomans and their invasions. By the end of 2016, a new historical, cultural and tourist attraction was rebuilt on Klis Fortress – the Rector’s Palace. This move has led to a constant investment in the fortress, not to mention that a project worth over €1.3 million is being implemented which resulted in 3D mapping of the Klis Fortress and cultural heritage management education . The project is called Fortress ReInvented and it introduces visitors with the history of the fortress via digital content.

Game of Thrones meets Klis – visit the mighty Meereen!

Hardcore fans of this worldwide popular TV show probably already know what I am talking about. The famous fictional city-state from Game of Thrones series was introduced in season 4 when Daenerys Targaryen and her army marched towards Meereen to free the slaves. The streets of Meereen were shot both on Klis Fortress and in Diocletian’s Palace in Split. The major part of the fortress did not need additional CGI editing (apart from the Great Pyramid which was obviously computer-generated). There is also an exhibition dedicated to this show, which definitely increased the number of visitors of Klis Fortress. The exhibition includes photos from the set, which shows some of the main characters like Daenerys Targaryen and Tyrion Lannister at this beautiful place. Don’t forget to take the best photo ever with the most spectacular view in the background!

Source: Screenshot, Game of Thrones, HBO

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Go back to Middle Ages

Each year on the last weekend of July Klis municipality organises traditional Medieval festival called “Uskočki boj” or in English “The Uskoks’ battle for Klis”. It is a two-day manifestation which takes visitors back to the era of defense of Klis from Ottoman Empire. More than 300 members from different Croatian and sometimes also foreign historical units get together with the Historical unit “Kliški uskoci”  dressed in Medieval costumes and entertain the visitors with various stage performances. You can:

  • cheer for your favourite swordsman in sword tournament
  • learn traditional folk songs,
  • try domestic dishes and beverages
  • buy authentic souvenirs

The main event of the festival is for sure the reenactment of the famous battle from 1532 which occurred between the Uskoks and the Ottoman Army.  The event is held every year at the end of July and it lasts for two days. Besides the historic battle, there is also a mini Medieval market, you can practise archery or watch sword dance. The battle takes place at the Fortress Klis and it costs 70kn while the other program takes place in the foothill of the Fortress (Megdan Square) and it is not being charged.

The Klis Uskoks

Where to eat and sleep

One cannot visit Klis without making a stop in Perlica restaurant. It is a famous traditional restaurant in the foothill of Klis where the locals love to go to lunch. The best dish here is undoubtedly Dalmatian roasted lamb which is a must-eat. Besides the lamb, the restaurant boasts a great variety of typical dishes from this area such as Dalmatian “peka”, homemade cheese and prosciutto from Dalmatian Zagora, etc. And what’s best, if you need a place to rest, the restaurant also has two apartments for an overnight stay!

Here are some of the private accommodation options near Klis Fortress:

How to get to Klis

Getting to Klis Fortress might look tricky but in reality it is quite simple. There are two options:

  • By local bus: You can reach Klis Fortress with local bus line 22 (from Split). Tickets can be bought on board. The stop for the fortress is the last stop of the bus line → timetable There’s also another bus line 34, but this one doesn’t depart too often. (timetable) NOTE: Have in mind that the ride might take a while because of the stops along the way (approx. time is 20 min) and you might be also forced to stand the entire journey because of the crowds.
  • By car: If coming from direction of Split, follow the main road to Solin and turn right at the crossroads in Solin. Keep driving up north and once you pass the tunnel in Klis, turn on the second turn left and follow the road to the top of the hill.
  • By shuttle bus: Another cheap and great option of visiting Klis Fortress is by shuttle bus. It is direct and the ticket costs only €3. Tickets can be bought via links in the table below.

Split to Klis Fortress

Klis Fortress to Split

Good to know when visiting Klis Fortress

  • The entrance to Klis Fortress costs 60kn for adults and 30kn for children (up to 15 years). The tickets can be bought right at the entrance. Opened everyday from 9:00 to 16:00
  • Toilets are located in the foothill of the fortress. You will see them on your way to the main entrance.
  • There are two coffee shops 5-minute walk from the fortress and a market Studenac where you can stock up on food and drinks.


  1. elif   •  

    the entrance fee is 40hkn not 60hkn… 16.11.2018

    • Melani   •     Author

      Dear Elif,

      We checked, thanks for the update!

      Best regards!
      Melani, GBB Team

  2. Richard   •  

    Update from 25. May 2018

    Entrance fee is back up to 60kr (I’d guess it’s seasonal).

    Bus from Split doesn’t say “Klis” on it – it was the bus to Sinj. We had to ask to figure that out.

    Also note that the bus left 5 minutes early, so make sure you’re on time!

    • Melani   •     Author

      Dear Richard,

      Thank you for the entrance fee update! As for the shuttle bus, if you are referring to the shuttle bus from the Split Bus Station, the exact coordinates of the Klis bus stop are specified on the boarding info. And if you have any other doubts, you can always contact our customer support at

      Best regards
      Melani GBB Team

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