
Warsaw – Berlin

One of the most popular travel routes between Poland and Germany is obviously the one between the two capitals Warsaw and Berlin. The cheapest way of travelling is with intercity bus, each day there are several direct departures between the cities, the bus travel time for the approximately 600 km long route is between 8 and 10 hours, depending on which other cities are included in the route.

When travelling from Warsaw to Berlin, you have more departure stations and stops to chose between, the most common departure location is the Zachodni bus station, but you also have departures from a bus stop by the Marymont Metro station and from a stop by the Młociny Train station, most departures only drive from one of these 3 location, so check the locations on a map before you buy your ticket. Ending up at the wrong departure location, will most likely mean you will miss the bus. In additions to the bus station and stops in the city, you also have some departures which can be boarded at the Warsaw Chopin airport. You can see timetable for buses from Warsaw to Berlin here.

If you are traveling in the opposite direction from Berlin to Warsaw, you also have more departure locations to choose between, majority of all buses departure either from the ZOB am Funkturm (Bus station at the radio tower) or at the ZOB am ZOO (Bus station next to Berlin ZOO) so also here it is important to pay attention when buying the ticket. Currently none of the buses towards Warsaw drive via any of the Berlin airports. You can buy ticket for buses from Berlin to Warsaw here.

Berlin Wall

Other ways of travelling between Warsaw and Berlin:

Train: there are 2-4 daily train connection between the capitals, the train travel time is around 6 hours, train drive between Berlin central station and Warsaw central stations.

Flight: airplane companies like, LOT, Lufthansa and Air Berlin operate non stop flight between Berlin and Warsaw, keep in mind that both cities have more than one airport.

Other popular travel routes between Germany and Poland:

One of the most popular routes is between Berlin and Poznan, but also Berlin – Wroclaw as well as Berlin to Krakow are used by many travellers. On all these route, bus, train as well as Flights are available as mean of transportation.

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