Why Visit Argentina: Cordoba

Why Visit Argentina

Argentina, The Land of Silver, is a country known for its dances, good food, and magnificent nature. The second-largest country in South America stretches among various climates and diverse landscapes. Although it may not be as popular among tourists as its neighbours Brazil and Peru, the home of the tango and dulce de leche has a lot to offer and is well worth finding its way to your bucket list. If you are still making up your mind or are curious about what’s there to see in Argentina, perhaps the following reasons why visit Argentina will help you start planning your trip!

Its cities

The country’s capital Buenos Aires is often dubbed as “the Paris of South America”, the streets of this metropolis consist of European-inspired architecture and beautiful boulevards. The city’s caffe and wine culture will amaze everyone.

Cordoba is a beautiful university city and the home to the UNESCO World Heritage site. This charming city used to be a colonial capital, and it was named by its founder after Cordoba, Spain.

Mar del Plata is an ideal destination for those who wish to lay down, relax and enjoy their vacation. Situated on the Atlantic coast, the city is famous for its sandy beaches and casino life.

San Carlos de Bariloche, or simply Bariloche, is a small town situated on the banks of a glacial lake in Patagonia. This charming town offers a stunning mix of urban architecture and splendid works of nature.

Although a large country, Argentina is well-conected to multiple domestic and international destinations. Among the most popular ones are: Buenos Aires – Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires – Puerto Iguazu, Rosario – Buenos Aires.

Why Visit Argentina: Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires

The landscapes

Argentina stretches through various climates, which means that the landscapes also vastly vary. However, what speaks more of Argentina’s natural beauties is the fact that there are in total 35 national parks in the country.

Among the most famous ones is the Iguazu Falls National Park. Bordering Brazil, the scenery the gigantic waterfalls make is breathtaking. There are several walking trails in the park for visitors to explore and get to know the area.

However, the most famous sights and scenery are situated in remarkable Patagonia. The land of glaciers, glacial lakes and majestic beauty is extremely popular with tourists. Furthermore, Patagonia is not the only region with beautiful hidden gems. The Pampas, the seemingly never-ending grassland, and the beautiful Atlantic coast are also worth visiting.

Iguazu Falls

Iguazu Falls

The land of football

If there is one thing almost everyone in the world would know about Argentina, it would be its football culture. People of all ages play it – children, adults and the elderly.

The national football team is well-known around the world as one of the strongest and the best national football teams in the world. They have played in five World Cup finals, have several times won Copa America, and have won the Olympic football tournaments twice. Argentina is also the homeland of two of the greatest players in the history of football, Lionel Messi and Diego Maradona.

Because football is such an important part of people’s lives, finding yourself in Argentina during an important football match would open the door to a completely new experience of enjoying the game of football. Surely take a chance if offered to participate, as you might have a lot of fun.

Caminito street, Buenos Aires

Caminito Street, Buenos Aires

The cuisine

Argentina, its history, its food and its culture have been greatly influenced by the European and Native American cultures and traditions.

Those who have a sweet tooth will find themselves in heaven. Argentina – especially Bariloche – is famous for its production of chocolate. But that is not all there is to Argentine cuisine. Some of the most popular traditional and national dishes are:

  • Dulce de leche: caramelised condensed milk. Dulce de leche can be used as a spread with toast or bread. Those who like extra sweet can enjoy it just by eating it with a spoon.
  • Asado: the Argentine variation of barbecue is gastronomy and a social event. Different types of meat are prepared this way, but beef is used the most.
  • Chimichurri: a type of salsa that is sometimes also used as a marinade. It is often compared to pesto genovese, and it is mostly served alongside asado.
  • Vino: Argentine wine is world-famous as one of the best there is. Whether you prefer red, white or rosé wine, you will surely find something to satisfy your palate.
  • Empanadas: literally “wrapped in bread”, these delights can be found with any type of filling. The most common are meat varieties, but many people fill them with vegetables, too.
Dulce de Leche

Dulce de Leche


Last, but not least on this list is a world-famous dance, tango. This passionate dance originated in the streets of Buenos Aires and Montevideo among the lower class. Its influences were various, the elements of African, Cuban and European dances can be found, as tango is a product of the mass immigration in the 19th century.

The dance quickly spread throughout the world and became one of the most popular dances. The traditional, authentic tango is still alive and well in Argentina. It is danced in the streets, but there are also many performances by professional dancers organized for tourists.

Like football, the dance is deeply rooted in Argentine culture. It is a product of the country’s rich history and meeting of diverse cultures and backgrounds. It is not only the professionals who dance, but ordinary people too. The choreographies – spontaneous or rehearsed – are magnificent explosions of energy that are the best when experienced in their authentic form.

Argentine tango dancer couple

Argentine tango dancer couple

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