Budapest Bus Station
Table Of Contents
General information
Bus stations and stops
We have located 2 bus terminals and 3 bus stops in Budapest.
Note: Buses to and from Budapest ONLY STOP at the bus stops specified on your ticket.
The stops and stations listed below are those most commonly used as departure locations by the intercity buses operating from Budapest:
Népliget Bus terminal
Üllői út 131 , 1091
GPS Coordinates:
47.475114, 19.099383
Info Phone Number (Domestic):
(1) 219-8086
Info Phone Number (International):
+36 1 219-8040
GPS Coordinates 47.475114, 19.099383
Click here to open location in google maps.Népliget Bus terminal is located approximately 7.6 km from the city centre, which is approximately a 14 minute ride.
The following amenities are available at Népliget Bus terminal bus stop: ATM, toilet, luggage storage, kiosk and coffee bar
Near the bus stop in Népliget Bus terminal you can also find: train station (1.22 km)
In case that you wish to continue your journey from the bus stop, you can find alternative transportation services available near Budapest bus station: tram station (139 m) and metro station
Bus stop
Olajliget u. 44 , 1103
GPS Coordinates:
47.482058, 19.14206
GPS Coordinates 47.482058, 19.14206
Click here to open location in google maps.Bus stop is located approximately 10.3 km from the city centre, which is approximately a 21 minute ride.
Könyves Kálmán körút 17
Könyves Kálmán körút 17 , 1101
GPS Coordinates:
47.476287, 19.09947
GPS Coordinates 47.476287, 19.09947
Click here to open location in google maps.Könyves Kálmán körút 17 is located approximately 6 km from the city centre, which is approximately a 13 minute ride.
Near the bus terminal in Könyves Kálmán körút 17 you can also find: fast food (137 m) and train station (1.29 km)
In case that you wish to continue your journey from the coach station, you can find alternative transportation services available near Budapest bus station: taxi stand (63 m), metro station (60 m), tram station (28 m) and public bus stop
Bus stop
Vasút u. 16 , 1115
GPS Coordinates:
47.465996, 19.022113
GPS Coordinates 47.465996, 19.022113
Click here to open location in google maps.Bus stop is located approximately 5.3 km from the city centre, which is approximately a 13 minute ride.
The following amenities are available at Bus stop bus station: train station and parking lot
Near the bus terminal in Bus stop you can also find: fast food and kiosk
Kelenföld Bus terminal
Not available, if in doubt ask locals on site about guidance to the bus stop.
GPS Coordinates:
47.46386, 19.02278
GPS Coordinates 47.46386, 19.02278
Click here to open location in google maps.Kelenföld Bus terminal is located approximately 5 km from the city centre, which is approximately a 13 minute ride.
The following amenities are available at Kelenföld Bus terminal bus stop: ATM, toilet, kiosk, fast food and parking lot
You will also find waiting room at this location.
Our travellers have reviewed bus stations in Budapest a total of 25 times and gave them an average score of 8.2. Passengers were mostly satisfied with the Cleanliness and Safety. You can see some of the user-left reviews below.
Popular routes
Popular domestic departures
Popular international departures
Popular domestic arrivals
Popular international arrivals
Nearby airports
IATA code: BUD
Address: 1185, Budapest
Budapest Airport is situated approximately 17 km away from the city, which equals a travel time of 00:24h.
Frequently asked questions
How many bus stops and stations are there in Budapest?
What are the most popular bus routes from Budapest?
What is the nearest airport to Budapest?
What bus companies operate the routes starting from Budapest?