1d 18h 25 mintemuInformacije o liniji
5d 15h 4 mintemuInformacije o liniji
5d 15h 43 mintemuInformacije o liniji
8d 18h 2 mintemuInformacije o liniji
Trans Jug, je avtobusno podjetje s sedežem v Obrenovac, Srbija. Ponuja odhode v 2 držav, kot so Bolgarija i Srbija. Gre za eno izmed številnih avtobusnih podjetij v Srbija, saj ponuja več kot 6 dnevnih odhodov, večinoma iz mest, kot so Sofija i Belgrade. Trans Jug obratuje s prevoznimi sredstvi redni prevoz i primestni prevoz. Najem avtobusa, Medkrajevni avtobusi, Mestni avtobusi, i Regionalni avtobusi so na voljo tudi pri Trans Jug.
Če želite potovati v druge države izven Srbija, lahko najdete razpoložljive in najbolj priljubljene možnosti potovanja s podjetjem Trans Jug tukaj:
Trans Jug ima povprečno oceno 7.7, izpeljano iz 40 ocen, ki so jih oddali naši popotniki. To postavlja Trans Jug na 9. mesto med vsemi avtobusnimi prevozniki v Srbija in 178. mesto globalno. 50% naših popotnikov je svojo izkušnjo z Trans Jug ocenilo kot odlično. Kar se tiče ponujenih storitev, so potniki izrazili največje zadovoljstvo s Voznik in Vrednost za denar. Spodaj lahko vidite nekaj ocen, ki so jih pustili naši popotniki:
Great almost painless but reliable service
The bus turned up on time, got us there quickly, nice bus, not expensive, polite driver, service stop on the way which is vitally important on a multi hour journey. Some bus companies don't do it. I would definitely use again. ... There are two terminals at Sofia bus station. The main one and a smaller secondary one. The bus departed from the smaller one but the journey instructions didn't mention it. I got there early but couldn't see 'Belgrade' on the departures board so I had to run around asking other travellers if they spoke English and if they knew from where the bus to Belgrade would depart. Finally someone told me they didn't know but 'maybe' it departed from the other terminal. So with 15 minutes to go I had to race over to the other terminal with all my luggage to see if it was the case, not sure if I'd have to come back. It was the only missing thing on an otherwise excellent journey.
Vrednost za denar
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