il y a 4d 12h 23 minRuteinformasjon
il y a 8d 9h 2 minRuteinformasjon
il y a 8d 9h 40 minRuteinformasjon
il y a 11d 12h 0 minRuteinformasjon
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The other member of staff who assisted the driver was grumpy
had some issue when paying online and after a couple of emails, all was sorte. The staff were very prompt and answered my question to my full satisfaction. ... The bus was 30mn late and we had no information. Ony when I called Get By Bus I had confirmation that we didn't miss the bus. The WIFI password wasn't shared. There seemed to be more passengers than seats and at some point some, including an elderly passenger had to stand as the bus was going.
Verdi for pengene
Komfortabel tur
Ruteoversikt | Viktig informasjon |
Avgangsstasjon | Drasnice |
Destinasjonsstasjon | Split |
Daglige avganger | Over 2 bussavganger |
Tidigste avganger | 17:10 |
Siste avgang | 17:10 |
Reiseavstand | 99 km |
Reisetid | 01:20 |