17h 3 minnazajRuteinformasjon
17h 42 minnazajRuteinformasjon
3d 20h 1 minnazajRuteinformasjon
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Return Journey disaster
Inbound journey perfect ... Return journey a disaster ! The bus stop in Omis was in the middle of a construction site. We waited for the bus at a cafe on the corner as the bus stop was backed by pounding mechanical diggers & 30 deg of heat. The bus swooped round the corner 20 mins early and we missed it ! We waited 2hrs 20 mins for the next bus glued to the stop as it was our only hope of getting back to our hotel 70 mins away ! It arrived 20 mins late but we got home after paying out another E 20 for new tickets !
Verdi for pengene
Komfortabel tur
Ruteoversikt | Viktig informasjon |
Avgangsstasjon | Zivogosce |
Destinasjonsstasjon | Omis |
Daglige avganger | Over 3 bussavganger |
Tidigste avganger | 06:15 |
Siste avgang | 17:12 |
Reiseavstand | 57 km |
Reisetid | 01:21 |