4d 12h 20 min preInformacije o liniji
8d 8h 59 min preInformacije o liniji
8d 9h 38 min preInformacije o liniji
11d 11h 57 min preInformacije o liniji
Pronađite svoje karte za autobus, trajekt, voz ili let
od strane PATRICIA
Samir was the best driver I've seen in Balkans. He drives well and is very attentive to passangers
The driver was not slow, but careful when needed. We went through some snow and he really was careful. He did few breaks for toilet and made sure to communicate not only time but services available in each stop. There was no hussle with the luggage and he kindly handed each persons bags. We arrived safe and in time at Skopje. This driver really deserves a reward cause he is 100%! ... In Albania is really common to ride mini buses and they are not as comfy as a real bus. But the ticket price was also low.
Urednost i čistoća
Vrednost za novac
Udobnost vožnje
Pregled rute | Ključne informacije |
Stanica polaska | Tirana |
Odredišna stanica | Skoplje |
Dnevni polasci | Više od 2 polazaka autobusa , uključujući više od 1 noćnih autobusa. |
Najraniji polasci | 08:00 |
Poslednji polazak | 19:00 |
Udaljenost putovanja | 289 km |
Vreme putovanja | 07:00 |